Remember to visit your neighborhood library and check out a good story—or how-to guide. Along with books, the DC Public Library now has thousands of titles available for download to your e-reader (PC, Mac, iPod, iPad, MP3 player, Kindle, or Nook). Feel free to come by for a quick lesson if you're apprehensive about attempting on your own. Need another reason to visit the library? How about free Wi-Fi?
Palisades Public Library
4901 V St NW
Washington DC 20007
PHONE: 202.282.3139

Monday: 10:00–6:00
Tuesday: 10:00–6:00
Wednesday: 10:00–8:00
Thursday: 12:00–8:00
Friday: 10:00–6:00
Saturday: 10:00–6:00
Sunday: 1:00–5:00
Visit the website to see a current list of special programs. Note that children’s programs are very popular, so please contact the children’s librarians to register. The Children’s Room hosts a variety of special events throughout the year for which no registration is necessary.
The DC Public Library Catalog is available online and can be accessed from home as well as from any DC Public Library: https://catalog.dclibrary.org/client/en_US/dcpl.
In addition to accessing all of the DC Public Library's holdings, you can now check your record, renew items, or reserve books online. To do so, you need an individual PIN number. The next time you are at the library, stop by the information desk to register and they will show you how easy it is to use these features.
The library's Home Page offers access to several INFOTRAC databases, including general magazine and newspaper indexes (many with full text), health information, Who's Who, and contemporary authors. The Palisades Library also has several computers that provide internet access and word processing programs to the public on a walk-in basis.
The Palisades Branch Library has been a neighborhood institution for the past 70 years. It was once located in the Little Red Schoolhouse on MacArthur Blvd and moved to its current location in 1964.
The library has a large collection for a neighborhood library, with more than 70,000 items, which includes books, audio books, educational videos, and CDs. The library also subscribes to more than a hundred periodicals. It is a useful reference center with a wide variety of books and online reference sources.
To learn more about the history of the library: https://www.dclibrary.org/node/732
To learn more about the renovation: https://www.dclibrary.org/palisadesrenovation
Follow the library on Twitter at https://twitter.com/PalisadesFriend
Community support for the library is provided by The Friends of the Palisades Library, which accepts tax-deductible contributions. If you wish to make a contribution, please send it to:
Friends of the Palisades Library
PO Box 40611
Washington, DC 20016-0611
OR DONATE ONLINE HERE VIA PAYPAL — Use your Paypal account or a major credit card.
The organization meets quarterly at the library, and all are welcome to attend. The library has also received grants from the Palisades Community Fund as part of an ongoing effort to improve its landscaping and make the grounds an inviting community space.
The library is supported by a number of individuals who volunteer to do everything from shelving books to painting doors. Volunteers are always welcome! Simply call if you are interested in helping.